Applications are open for the Academic Grants Round. See the details and apply.
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How to Apply

Whether you're working on a specific project, or you're still exploring possibilities, you can connect with our team for guidance.

Kid watching plants grow

Apply to Office Hours

If you have questions before submitting a grant application, or need support other than funding, you can request a session with a member of the ESP team in our virtual Office Hours. Please be specific about the type of help you're looking for.

We may reject Office Hour requests or contact you for clarification if the request appears to be out of scope.

For feedback about whether your project is eligible for a grant, click the Project Feedback button.

Please note that by submitting this application, you confirm that you have read and agree to our Privacy Policy.

Name of your team or entity you're submitting for. If your organization doesn't have a formal name, just try to describe it in a few words!
Choose from the options below. For feedback about whether your project is eligible for a grant, click the Project Feedback button.
Give us a short summary of what you are hoping to accomplish. Just a paragraph will do.
Please share links to any relevant Github repos, social media, websites, published work or professional profiles.
Choose what category your project best fits into.


Please list any specific questions or details that would expedite the call.


People gathered around the Ethereum tree
People gathered around the Ethereum tree